
General Advice

We strongly recommend that users install conda first. Then, using conda, one can create a new environment and install RiboPy inside that environment. For example:

conda create -n ribo python=3.7
conda activate ribo

Also, we highly encourage using conda for the installation of scientific Python packages: numpy, pandas and h5py.

conda install numpy pandas h5py


This section needs update!


RiboPy is a python package and requires Python 3.6 or a later version. The python packages, that RiboPy requires, are automatically installed by pip. The command line interface (CLI) requires terminal access.

If you are going to use bam files, you need bedtools so that RiboPy can convert bam files to bed entries internally.

Using pip

pip install ribopy

From Github

Alternatively, you can install the latest version from github.

pip install git+